
2024-02-11 13:40:02阅读量:13 字体:

 川普 Sichuan Trump also "bed-breaker"(床破)


  US president-elect Donald Trump 美国候任总统 

  Some have even joked about his connection with Sichuan Province. The conspiracy theory went viral on social networks that he was born 1946 in Sichuan when his father set up a business selling salt in China after the World War II. 


  Prehistoric powers 洪荒之力 also mean unstoppable force 


  Fu Yuanhui, Olympic medalist in Rio Games, 里约奥运会奖牌获得者

  also scored a win with viewers in China through a funny and interesting interview after her match 同时也通过赛后的一个有趣采访收获了大量喜爱她的粉丝。

  She said that she had used all her prehistoric powers to swim. 她说她已经用了洪荒之力了。

  She also became an internet darling 网红 after that 

  Skinny blue mushroom 蓝瘦 香菇=难受想哭 

  heart breaking, want to cry 


  One man's misfortune in love turned out to be a goldmine for netizens, when he uploaded a video of himself talking about his loneliness while his girlfriend dumped him with a strong accent. 


  "Unbearable, I want to cry," he moaned with a heavy accent, which ended up sounding like "skinny blue mushroom". "蓝瘦 香菇" also was took off as a meme 表情包 online.


  Melon-eating masses (who don't know what's really going on)不明真相的吃瓜群众

  unclear origin 起源不明 

  netizens often use this to describe a passive group of bystanders at a major incident or event 网民主要用来描述那些大事件的围观者

  a small target 一个小目标


  “First set yourself a small target, for example, I first targeted to earn 100 million yuan!” Wang Jianlin, China's wealthiest man, said in a television interview in August. The term has been used as to refer to an impossible goal for ordinary people. 

  首先,你要给自己定一个小目标,比如说,我先赚它一个亿。中国首富王健林8月在一次电视采访中说道。 之后,就被用来形容那些普通人无法完成的目标。


